The Town Centre Regeneration and Living project will support Phase 1 delivery of a wider transformational scheme for St Helens town centre. This is a key project that has the backing of St Helens Borough Council and their partner – The English Cities Fund (ECF) – and will catalyse the regeneration of the town centre. ECF is a Joint Venture between Muse Developments, Legal & General (L & G) and Homes England.

St Helens town centre suffers from an over-supply of retail provision and a lack of an experiential offer to appeal to both St Helens Borough residents and visitors.
As a consequence, footfall and dwell-time is limited, influencing high vacancy rates, and the high street is affected by a lack of local pride from the community and a poor external perception of the place.
The project is seeking funding of £7.24m from the St Helens Town Deal to catalyse Phase 1 of a comprehensive mixed-use development, which is articulated within a wider Council endorsed Masterplan Development Framework.

The project will deliver new commercial office space, a new internationally branded hotel, new models of town centre residential accommodation, ancillary retail and leisure space, a relocated market hall and high-quality public realm. In unlocking Phase 1, Towns Funding will also indirectly support future phases of the town centre Masterplan Development Framework, which has a broader ambition to deliver significant additional residential development, a new public park and ancillary uses to complement the existing town centre offer.